Queen's at McGill
at McGill
1/1/2017 at 2:03PM

Scoring 1 2 3 Final
McGill 2 0 3 5
Queen's 0 0 0 0
Periods: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
-- 1st --
[01:21] GOAL by McG Olivia Atkinson (FIRST GOAL), Assist by Melodie Daoust, On ice for McG: , On ice for QNS: , goal number 5 for season.
[13:48] GOAL by McG Olivia Atkinson, Assist by Melodie Daoust and Marie-Philip Lavoie, On ice for McG: , On ice for QNS: , goal number 6 for season.
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-- 2nd --
[19:40] Penalty on Pamela Psihogios McG 2 minutes for ROUGHING, (power play opp).
[19:40] Start power play for QNS.
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-- 3rd --
[00:00] Pamela Psihogios (McG) penalty complete.
[00:00] End power play for QNS.
[00:50] GOAL by McG Gabrielle Davidson (SHORT HANDED), On ice for McG: , On ice for QNS: , goal number 1 for season.
[01:54] GOAL by McG Lauren Bowman, Assist by Sidonie Chard, On ice for McG: , On ice for QNS: , goal number 1 for season.
[12:52] GOAL by McG Lauren Bowman, Assist by Nicole Howlett, On ice for McG: , On ice for QNS: , goal number 2 for season.
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